**SolarSparky **

「Solar/Wren ✧ He/It ✧ 18 ✧ Animation/Art Student」

Art By @niftysenpai

「All art not made by me is clickable! If interested, clicking will take you to the artist's page!」

** 【 About 】**

Hey there! My name is SolarSparky, you can call me Solar, or Wren. I am non-binary and aroace; I go by He/Him, and It/Its pronouns.

Do Not Follow If You (DNI)
‣ Are an 18+ only account (While I am 18, I do not feel comfortable with 18+ accounts!)
‣ Don't support BLM, ACAB or Native People and their efforts.
‣ If you are racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, etc
‣ Condone and or create NFTs
‣ Are a or support pedophiles, zoophiles, or anything gross along those lines. (More examples like Fujoshi, proshipper)
More points may be added in the futureI will soft block or hard block you if you ignore this list.